Christian Curious

101. How Can We Effectively Minister to the 'Nones?'

Halee Gray Scott Season 3 Episode 17

In 2012, the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life released a report detailing the rise of the 'Nones.' The Nones are a growing number of Americans who identify with no particular religion. The data says that as America grows younger, America grows less religious. Yet in 2015, Brianne Shaw and her husband, Josh, were undaunted by those statistics. She launched Lighthouse Church in one of the most secular cities in the country: Denver.

Since that time, Lighthouse Church outgrew a home, a warehouse, and a high school. Now they are a fast growing church in south Denver, a place where church attendance has declined or stagnated in recent years. Brianne studied Christian Ministry and Psychology at Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas, which catapulted her into a journey of nearly 10 years serving in various ministry settings. In addition to co-planting Lighthouse Church, she currently serves as the pastor of assimilation for young adults and serves on the church's board of elders. She has a passion to see young adults fall in love with Jesus and is dedicated to empowering them and the local church to engage with one another in a way that can transform the world. 

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